Share this postPoint of View: Photo EditorialsPoint of View # 27Copy linkFacebookEmailNotesMorePoint of View # 27Market Forces & Climate ChangeJul 24, 20225Share this postPoint of View: Photo EditorialsPoint of View # 27Copy linkFacebookEmailNotesMoreShareCoal and the generation of electricityThe fracking boomNatural gas generating plants are more efficientNatural gas contains less carbon per unit of energy than coalThe switch from coal to gasThe 2021 natural gas priceThe current price of natural gasCoal’s resurgence world wideCoal's resurgence in the USCarbon emissions since 1965Worldwide oil profits 1970-2020It's a huge amount of moneyClimate denial timelineExxon's promotional adsFluctuations in oil advertisingCarbon footprint campaignShifting the blameBroad scale action neededOil industry lobbyingProtecting $100 trillion in profitsFossil fuel externalitiesCost of fossil fuel externalitiesScope of fossil fuel externalitiesThe myth of the free marketCarbon tax